Walkie Talkie

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Walkie Talkie - Gent - Brabantdam - Jan Opdekamp - May 2017 Walkie Talkie - Gent - Brabantdam - Jan Opdekamp - May 2017 Walkie Talkie - Gent - Brabantdam - Jan Opdekamp - May 2017 Walkie Talkie - Gent - Brabantdam - Jan Opdekamp - May 2017 Walkie Talkie - Gent - Brabantdam - Jan Opdekamp - May 2017

Brabantdam is back!

Ghent’s Brabantdam can breathe once again. After several years of road works the city can proudly announce that our most beautiful shopping street is open for business once again!

Together with our partners PUUR Gent & Lucky Tree we  re-opened the Brabant on Saturday the 20th of May 2017. A festive day – #Openbrabantdam – was dedicated to relaunching this famous shopping district in the public’s eye and the main street was filled with music and happy people.

The inauguration’s highlight were a couple of imposing stilt-walkers, countless butlers and our Blades On Vinyl. All shoppers, visitors and curious Gentians were offered a glass of Cava (or alternative), while most merchants spoiled their customers with goodie bags, countless discounts or other activities.

Now our well-known and historic shopping street – with exclusive boutiques – has been restored to her old glory and ‘tram twieje’ can finally follow its trusted route.