
Walkie Talkie

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Storytel equals unlimited access to thousands of audiobooks and e-books in one app. From great classics to exciting novels, from children stories to stories that make you feel like a child again. In short, a world of stories at your fingertips. To celebrate the love (of stories) with each other, we invited 4 influencers to a romantic dinner in honour of Valentine’s Day. The concept? A private dining experience that awakens all senses, accompanied by Storytel’s finest audiobooks to listen to with your loved one.

A magical Valentine's experience

Each couple took a seat in a fully styled bubble by the water and was offered a 5-course menu accompanied by drinks. In addition to the dinner menu, they were given a listening menu with carefully selected audio books that they could listen to with headphones connected to each other. In this way, they were simultaneously immersed in the world of Storytel. The result? A magical evening that reached 676,990 people and inspired 114 followers to discover Storytel with a 30-day free trial.

  • Making Storytel visible as a love brand
  • Creating a new event concept in collaboration with a partner
  • Event management
  • Creative influencer marketing approach
  • Top topical PR hook