Hello, I’m Wannes
Cappuccino. 2 p’s, 2 c’s. My first blog can’t contain a single mistake!
With a little too much perfume and a homemade cappuccino (thank you office Nescafé machine), i’m excited and a bit nervous to start this adventure. 3 months at Walkie Talkie, 60 days of being an intern again!
This summer I have decided to study again. After a very pleasant experience at Woestijnvis, a new postgraduate degree drew my attention: ‘Digital Content and Journalism’. The different courses have proved to be very useful and hopefully during my period at Walkie Talkie I can apply some learned insights. I already have a master’s degree in Film & Television Studies. Basically this means I’m a serious binge watcher. Netflix and I have no secrets, I even made my dissertation about it.
When I’m not glued to a screen, you can find me jogging in Ghent somewhere. As a New Year’s gift, I was given a Fitbit. So my resolution for 2017 is to exercise more (what’s new?) I’m always in for a coffee date, a board or card game (anyone of you knows manillen?) or a citytrip to a yet undiscovered area!
Meanwhile I finished my cappuccino and apparently nobody was bothered by my perfume. Let’s get my first day here really started.