
Walkie Talkie

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Media training

Our expert team is all ears and advice! If and when needed, Walkie Talkie can guide you on how to talk to the media or present yourself in front of the camera, and (most importantly) which faux-pas you should avoid. Together we discuss how the media works, knowing what to expect and how to anticipate and respond to any questions. 

Most companies have multiple people who, at some point in time, might have to speak to the media on their behalf. Media training is a valuable exercise to ensure spokespeople have the skills to deliver key messages with confidence and consistency while managing any potential risks. Additionally offering media training internally helps ensure your team is ready should a crisis hit.  Our key takeaways: communicate a clear, consistent message and anticipate unexpected questions. So whether it’s a refresher or your first training, being prepared remains key, as things can and do go wrong.

A valuable exercise

  • Research and edit factsheets
  • Dive into Belgian media landscape
  • Training and coaching
  • Crisis communications