
Walkie Talkie

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With Bio-Planet Walkie Talkie secured a new retail client, but first and foremost a new love brand in its portfolio. Our work for Colruyt Group’s iconic 100% sustainable supermarket brand is an interesting PR balance between  product news (emphasising the product range) as well as corporate news (highlighting Bio-Planet as a brand and business).  

With over 5,000 organic, ecological, and eco-friendly products, Bio-Planet offers everything for those who want to make conscious choices for their shopping cart. In a world where consumers are exposed to an information overload (and therefore sometimes get lost), Bio-Planet wants to be the safe haven: a one-stop-shop providing only the best products so customers can do their grocery shopping in good conscience. And that is exactly the distinguishing message we continue to share: Bio-Planet as a reliable compass in terms of conscious shopping.

Maintain a consistent PR drum beat

For the always-on approach we highlight new product(s) ranges, via product press releases, tailor-made seedings to national media or by hijacking relevant top topicals. Secondly, we support important brand messages and more business oriented news such as new store openings, services and interviews with the CEO or other brand spokes.

We kicked off the year with the INTO campaign with which Bio-Planet focused on their product range suitable for people with intolerances. The subject triggered a lot of journalists and therefore sometimes a more personal story. A good start and barometer: Bio-Planet is a love brand! Then March and April were dominated by the Green Deal protein shift in which Bio-Planet, as a retailer, has an important role to play.  In May, we reported on menstrual health and additionally the importance of healthy food. A topic everyone benefits from, by being better informed about it.

After two quarters, this resulted in 43 clippings (online, print and radio) and a media ad value of almost €420,000. And our work continues throughout the months to come…  

  • Develop and create PR hooks around new products, marketing campaigns and brand strategies
  • Establish Bio-Planet in the Belgian media landscape with focus on the brand’s USP and new products or campaigns
  • Set-up a nation wide seeding programme for key media
  • Ensure constant media coverage for Bio-Planet in Belgium with a focus on food, retail, lifestyle, and trade publications
  • Align a corporate & lifestyle PR timeline to ensure a constant PR drum beat
  • Position Bio-Planet as the most sustainable, local and eco retailer
  • Copywrite & edit press releases
  • Press mailings