
Walkie Talkie

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MeDirect is a Belgian bank that offers savings and investment products with the aim of giving everyone the opportunity to make the most of their money. Since the launch of the bank in Belgium ten years ago, over 86.000 customers have already entrusted a total of more than €3 billion in savings and investments to MeDirect.

MeDirect came to us asking to reinforce their presence in earned media on a few themes that are important to them. Mainly their reliability as a Belgian bank, their capacity to guide clients in making the best investment decisions for them, and cyber security. 

The one to watch

Next to product updates, such as the launch of their discretionary portfolio management solution MeManaged, we used the increased buzz around the rising interest rates on savings accounts to profile MeDirect Bank as the one to watch. Interviews on radio, in print and online helped to reinforce their position as the biggest challenger of big banks, by giving customers control over their money and giving them a very competitive interest rate. 

For MeDirect, we cover both the in-depth financial economical topics as well as lighter stories such as a great place to work, money tips when travelling, interviews with MeDirect employees about non-banking related topics, … We also give general press guidance and media advice, as well as host media trainings for spokespeople within the bank. 

  • Increase brand awareness among the Belgian public through a solid press communication approach. 
  • Shift the perception from ‘small bank’ and ‘price breaker’ to one of the fastest growing Belgian online banks. 
  • Generate thought leadership on general banking topics, among which taking control of your money, and challenging big banks to offer more competitive interest rates.