
Walkie Talkie

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Walkie Talkie - VOKA - Open Bedrijvendag - December 2016 Walkie Talkie - VOKA - Open Bedrijvendag - December 2016 Walkie Talkie - VOKA - Open Bedrijvendag - December 2016 Walkie Talkie - VOKA - Open Bedrijvendag - December 2016

Voka Open Bedrijvendag

Voka Open Bedrijvendag is the largest one-day event in Flanders. Held every year on the first Sunday of October, it gives people the opportunity to visit some of the most amazing corporations, production sites, research and development companies. During the 26th edition in 2016, more than 300 companies opened their doors to thee 600,000+ attendees at the event.

Discover their story

Voka Open Bedrijvendag asked Walkie Talkie to handle both national and regional press relations on- and offline, including radio and television. Along with the traditional PR trajectory, we also organized two sneak previews for bloggers to maximize awareness among the millennial crowd. Each preview took place in an impressive participating company: Belgian air navigation and traffic service provider Belgocontrol in Steenokkerzeel and the Ghent site of steel manufacturing corporation ArcelorMittal. A selection of relevant bloggers were invited to discover the companies and their story, which resulted in wide coverage on their blogs and social media.

  • Creat PR hooks for Open Bedrijvendag
  • Press, blogger and influencer relations
  • Copywriting and editing of press releases
  • Press mailings
  • Generate interest and awareness for Open Bedrijvendag in the weeks leading to event