Walkie Talkie

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That time of the year again!

Yesterday we attended the second edition of the Best of Reputation awards. Hosted by the Association of Communication Companies (ACC), the BORA’s aim to reward the best work in earned media & influencer relations.

The team on Combell proudly cashed bronze in the category Best Collab. We collaborated with Hannes “Ugly Belgian Houses” Coudenys in 2022 for a quirky tongue in cheek contest called Ugly Belgian Websites. We boosted Combell’s awareness by a hunt for thé ugliest Belgian website in order to provide them with a complete redesign and 10 years of free hosting. A match made in heaven that didn’t go unnoticed by the BORA judges.

For Loop our team seized perhaps the most important prize of them all: the press award for our CEO positioning and thought leadership efforts on the brand. From the start of 2022 onwards we’ve been positioning Dimitri O and Maarten Bodewes as the go-to experts when it comes to hearing protection.

As this prize is awarded by the key people in our field, the journalists themselves, we couldn’t be more proud.

The recurring theme in our victory speeches this year? We focus on earned first creativity. Our main goal is to make an impact without a media budget, via creative PR campaigns and influencer approaches. To make real stories that people want to hear and share.

Hats off to everyone at Walkie Talkie, and to all of our clients and partners, for these major accomplishments. We cannot wait to see what 2024 has in store for us and our clients!