
Walkie Talkie

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Social media support

Social media can help spread the word! And we happen to know a thing or two about social media, which helps with creating a fitting strategy on how to align your social media with your PR approach. From developing a new strong social identity to introducing new products and services, social media helps PR fulfil its role.

Crafting and maintaining a positive social presence requires a mix of engaging content on selected moments. That’s why we like to work closely with the best industry experts. Example? Here’s one! For Fujifilm we set up an entire social media campaign with influencers to push their new instax mini 11 model = Popping press imagery and news value in one blow! 

Crafting and maintaining

  • Develop and implement social media strategy 
  • Community management and building
  • Editorial tours and visits
  • Support product or service launch
  • Training and coaching
  • Social Media Support
  • Coordinate content creation and video productions
  • Crisis communications